Delifrance Catalogue 2025
P • 8 D É L I F R A N C E #1 PLANET Our commitments to limit the negative impact of our activities on the environment. REDUCEOURCARBONFOOTPRINT • -20% intensity reduction of our direct greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 (scopes 1 & 2, vs. 2015). • Define a climate strategy for Délifrance, on all scopes, by the end of 2022. End goal: contribute to global carbon neutrality by 2050. MASTER THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF OUR OPERATIONS Délifrance’s objective is to limit the impact of its 14 sites, by mastering thewater, gas and electricity consumptions and managingwaste , thanks to the Environmental Charter deployed progressively. • 100%of our sites compliant, with theGroup’s Environmental Charter by 2024. HAVEAPOSITIVE IMPACTONBIODIVERSITY Biodiversity is amajor topic, intertwined with all other environ- mental issues. In order to implement an impactful approach, in 2023 we will do a precise evaluation of our impact on biodiversity, in order to define themost relevant action plans leading us to- wards a positive footprint. PROMOTETHEECO-DESIGNOFOURPACKAGING Délifrance has been working on the eco-design of its packaging for years: in 2021, 98%of our packaging is thus recyclable. • 100%of our packaging recyclable or reusable and our card board FSC-certified, by 2025. • Work on eco-designing 100%of our packaging. FIGHTAGAINSTFOODWASTE • Maintain the rate of by-products valorisation over 95%. • Identify new solutions to limit our products waste. We have structured an ambitious CSR strategy , directly linked to the impacts of our business, our DNA, values and ambition . We named our approach Baking Good BETTER . "Better" means taking action now all together and ensure sustainability is at the heart of everything that we do to protect what is most precious: our planet and our people. Baking Good BETTER is structured in three pillars: Planet, People, and Product & know-how. OUR CSR APPROACH BAKING GOOD BETTER
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