Delifrance Catalogue 2025

V I E N N O I S E R I E P • 2 5 “ F U L LY B A K E D C R O I S S A N T - B U L K PAC K ” BUTTER PAIN AU CHOCOLAT - INDIVIDUALLYWRAPPED A French pastry generously filled with chocolate. 72551 40 units/box 60 mins <20ºC FB V FULLY BAKED CROISSANT Bulk packs perfect for catering. 17597 55g I 60 units/box 45 mins <20ºC FB V BUTTER CROISSANT INDIVIDUALLYWRAPPED An all butter croissant that is ideal for display next to hot drink machines. 72550 32 units/box 60 mins <20ºC FB V “ T H AW & S E R V E ” Frozen once fully baked and individually wrapped. Simply thaw at room temperature for 1 hour and serve. 72 hrs shelf life in the wrapping from defrost. E F F I C I E N T Increase your sales by displaying all day next to the hot drinks machine P R O F I TA B L E Refill on demand and avoid wastage N E W